Over the past three years, I have been honored to serve as your City Councilmember. I am so proud of all the work we have done to build affordable housing in Tacoma, protect and support Tacoma families, and create a safer, stronger community.
In my role as a City Council member, I am currently serving as the chair of the Council’s Community, Vitality, and Safety Committee (CVS) where we create and review policy and suggest funding on issues with police and fire, homeless prevention, civil and human rights compliance, mental health services, sexual assault and domestic violence programming, social service programs, neighborhood council review and updates, and youth violence. I also serve on the Government Performance and Finance Committee (GPFC) involved in creating policy on customer service, government performance and accountability and policies, city workforce development and diversity, municipal integrity, transparency and values, strategic planning, information technologies, and media and constituent communications. Working with others on the council, I have made sure that sexual assault and domestic violence are priorities when it comes to reviewing our human services dollars.
I am currently serving as the chair of the Crystal Judson Family Justice Center (FJC) where I have worked with Pierce County Councilmember Jani Hitchen in supporting the Battered Women’s Justice Project. I also serve on the South Sound 911 (SS911) board and am the chair of the Finance Committee.
Recently I was chosen by the governor to serve as a member of the Citizens’ Committee on Pipeline Safety where I work to balance the needs of businesses and the safety of our community. In addition, I was chosen as the Association of Washington Cities’ representative on the Washington State Shoreline Hearings Board (SHB). The SHB hears appeals of decisions made by local and state governments regarding shoreline construction permits and penalties. The SHB’s role is to provide a fair and impartial administrative hearing, and then issue a written decision based on the law and facts.
I have lived in Tacoma’s District 2 for over 20 years and truly know the people of this district - they are my neighbors, have served with me on boards, taken my spin classes, and go to my temple. I am committed to being a voice for everyone in my district. I would be honored to earn your vote to serve Tacoma for another 4 years.